Our Leadership Team

Lonnie Petersen

Lonnie (MD, PhD) completed her MD from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark in 2007 and has worked in Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care. Dr. Petersen received her PhD in Gravitational Physiology and Space Medicine in 2016. Currently an assistant Professor at MIT, Cambridge and supported by NASA, DoD, and the Novo Nordic Foundation as well as being a Sapera Aude Fellow (National Research Council). Her research is rooted in cardiovascular, cerebral and exercise physiology always with an integrative physiology approach.

Casper Petersen

Casper (MD, PhD) graduated from University of Copenhagen in 2008 and has worked in Cardiology and Emergency Medicine. He has focused on research in renal physiology and sympathetic reflexes as well as physiological fluid shifts in regard to space and aviation medicine and countermeasure development for long term space travel. Dr. Petersen is supported by NASA , Kratos and ONR and currently holds a position as Research Scientist at MIT, Cambridge. 

James Friend

James (BSAero, MSME, PhD) leads the Medically Advanced Devices Laboratory in the Center for Medical Devices at the University of California-San Diego. He is a professor in both the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Jacobs School of Engineering, and the Department of Surgery, School of Medicine. He has over 270 peer-reviewed research publications, including 140 journal papers and eight book chapters, and 29 patents in process or granted, completed 34 postgraduate students and supervised 20 postdoctoral staff, and been awarded over $25 million in competitive grant-based research funding over his career. He is a fellow of the IEEE.